Saturday, May 29, 2010

Things to remember: 13 weeks

  • Giggles
  • Loves his giraffe blankie; rubs it on his face and smiles so sweetly
  • Somehow abraded his baby toe on the right side, looks really sore, doctor unconcerned
  • Can move a distance of two to three feet in his sleep, in the direction of his feet, and it only takes him five or six hours
  • Has beautiful chipmunk cheeks
  • Has a bald spot on the back of his head
  • Poos every two days
  • Sleeps from 10 pm to 6 am (most of the time)
  • Smiles when he sees me
  • Breastfeeds a lot, bottlefeeds a little, has a break, then finishes his bottle 20 minutes later
  • Smiles huge while bottlefeeding, usually means he has to burp
  • Started fussing in the stroller, so that I carry him in the Moby wrap and push Pin in the stroller
  • Likes me to sing to him. Itsy Bitsy Spider is a favourite
  • Weighs 14 lb 10 oz


  • Coos and 'talks' to us
  • Spits up lots of milk while burping: Burp + barf = 'burf'
  • Rotates in his sleep, sometimes 90 degrees in the night
  • Poos twice a day
  • Has a bald spot on the back of his head
  • Has a big happy smile, so beautiful
  • Can curl his toes so tightly that the tips touch the bottom of his foot
  • Breastfeeds a little, bottlefeeds until he's full
  • Goes to sleep in the stroller
  • Sleeps from 10 pm to 6 am, most of the time
  • Likes his tummy tickled
  • Likes me to sing to him. Itsy Bitsy Spider is a favourite
  • Weighs 14 lb 5 oz
  • Tries to nurse through my clothes when I hold him across my chest, even though he's not hungry. Makes a big drooly spot on my breast
  • Holds milk in his mouth which drools out when he smiles

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