Thursday, May 13, 2010

Groundhog Day

Life with twins is certainly busy, but nothing ever seems to get done. Usually S works from home and can help me, but the days when he is in the office are hectic:

Between 4 and 5 am: Pin and Duckling wake up together and cry. Pick up whichever one is hollering the loudest. Put bottle in hot water to warm and start breastfeeding. When he is done breastfeeding, start bottle feeding. Keep talking to the other one to try and stop him from crying (never works). Change the one you have just finished feeding and put him back in his swaddle and into the crib. Hope he falls asleep.

5:45 am: Repeat above with other baby. S brings me a cup of tea and sometimes breakfast, if I am hungry that early. Kiss S goodbye and envy the fact that he can leave the house and go to work and GO OUT FOR LUNCH WITH HIS COLLEAGUES

6:30 am: Go back to sleep and drool heavily onto the pillow. Wake up in a soggy patch to crying babies.

9:30 am: Pick up whichever one is hollering the loudest. Put bottle in hot water to warm and start breastfeeding. When he is done breastfeeding, start bottle feeding. Keep talking to the other one to try and stop him from crying. Change the one you have just finished feeding and put him beside you on the the bed to play for a little while. They are happy and smiling this time of day.

10:15 am: Repeat above with other baby. Swaddle first baby and put him down for his nap and hope he doesn't cry.

11:00 am: Play with second baby, swaddle, and put him down for his nap.

11: 15 am: If both boys are sleeping, eat, shower, and wash bottles from night before. Otherwise try and soothe whoever is crying. Try and remember to change into clean pyjamas, otherwise just wear ones with spit up all down the front.

1:00-2:30 pm: Feed the boys, change and play.

2:30-5:00 pm: Throw in a load of laundry. Put away laundry from two days prior. Think about supper. Slouch about the house aimlessly doing chores and paying attention to three needy cats. Think about supper some more. Eat a bowl of cereal and make more tea. Realize that you haven't boiled water for more bottles, and put the kettle on so that it will cool by the time you need to make bottles.

5:00-6:30 pm: Feed, change and play with boys.

6:30-10:30 pm: Boys intermittently eat and fuss for four hours, and one of them is always needing to be picked up. S comes home around 8:30, and immediately picks up whoever I am not holding and keeps him company until the final bedtime feeding. Throw together a feeble supper, or reheat leftovers. Realize the boys haven't been bathed in two or three days and vow to do it tomorrow.

10:30-11:30 pm: Make bottles and put in fridge. Assemble bottles and freezer packs in a cooler, and fill a thermos with hot water for night-time feedings. Make a cup of tea, fill large water glass and place on nightstand.

11:30 pm: Get in bed, read, fall asleep. Wait for boys to wake up and start the process all over again.

June Cleaver, eat your heart out.

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