Monday, May 3, 2010

Another trip to the ER

S was changing Pin a couple of days ago and noticed a huge lump just above and to the left of his penis. He immediately called me to have a look, and I took one look and was on the phone to the paediatrician within minutes. She was unavailable, but her fabulous assistant was able to contact her on her cell and run the problem by her. She made a preliminary diagnosis of hernia and advised us to go to the emergency department at our local children's hospital to have it checked out.

Unlike the last time, we didn't panic. We fed both the boys, packed their diaper bag with more food and diapers, and calmly proceeded to the children's hospital and parked in the lot. We proceeded to triage, lined up at the appropriate computer without being prompted, and this time were registered immediately. We were seen by triage within 5 minutes and told to wait in the waiting room for assessment. We saw the intake nurse about 10 minutes after that, and after the usual questions, weight, temperature and preliminary examination were issued with a hospital bracelet and told to wait for our turn. And wait we did. I know Pin was low on the triage scale, not being in any pain, or bleeding, or showing any sign of discomfort at all, but we had to wait 7 hours to see a doctor. SEVEN HOURS.

We ran out of food. We ran out of diapers. We definitely ran out of patience. I started haunting the triage nurse, asking her how many people were ahead of us, and could she get us some formula. I breastfed them as much as possible, but not having the greatest milk supply this was not a solution to two hungry crying babies. S went out to try and buy some more formula, but apparently downtown Toronto is not the baby-friendly mecca you would imagine it to be, and there was no formula to be found.

Just as I was once again bugging the nurse to find us some formula, we were called in to see the doctor. They took one look, diagnosed a hernia (uh huh) and referred us to the general surgery clinic because an inguinal (groin) hernia can become 'stuck' and needs to be surgically repaired as soon as possible. By 'as soon as possible' I mean that the general surgery clinic will call us within 2 weeks with an initial consult appointment, and schedule us for surgery after that.

In the meantime, every time we change his diaper we have to push the hernia back into his stomach, to make sure it isn't stuck. It makes a little popping sensation when it goes back in, and sometimes we can feel liquid moving through the intestine as we push on it. It gives both of us the willies to do it but we do it faithfully because we are so scared of it getting stuck. If it's stuck, part of his bowel will not get oxygen and will start to decay, causing Pin to become ill and have pain and to need emergency surgery. I feel so sick that he has to have surgery; the thought of my sweet little boy having general anaesthetic and postsurgical pain and possible complications is nauseating. At the same time, I want him to have the surgery as soon as possible so that it doesn't get trapped and start to decay.

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