Monday, May 3, 2010

Things to remember: 10 weeks

A list of things to remember about my babies, at almost 10 weeks of age.


  • Poos huge messy green diaper-escaping smelly poops, that often get on his feet and up his back
  • Smiles so big while he's eating so that he can't suck
  • Has a hydrocele around his right testicle
  • Coos and gurgles
  • Sometimes bleats like a goat
  • Makes a 'yup yup yup' sound while eating
  • Has a fat little belly, a double chin, huge cheeks and dimples on his knuckles deep enough to hold water
  • Nurses with great determination, latches on and bites down and gulps
  • Flares his nostrils and breathes hard when he's about to wake up
  • Has redder skin than his brother
  • Drools and makes spit bubbles
  • Nicknamed Bubbles


  • Has smaller, yellow, thicker poos, easy to clean up and not too smelly
  • Has an inguinal hernia on his left side
  • Is in a terrific smiley mood after his breakfast
  • Is easily distracted while nursing, lets go and has to be coaxed back on the breast
  • Has very pale skin that marbles red when he is cool
  • Makes a chirping noise in his sleep like a smoke detector that is running low on batteries
  • Cries loudly and furiously when he is hungry and when his diaper is taken off
  • Likes his bath as long as he is not hungry
  • Makes a 'hoooo' sound when yawning
  • Nicknamed Loudy
  • Has fat thighs
  • Can move himself down the bed in his sleep by throwing his legs up and down
  • Has a bald spot on the back of his head

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