Thursday, April 29, 2010


Being a parent of twins, I find that I am so busy all the time that I let a lot of things slide. I don't keep a baby book, I haven't started memory boxes for them, I haven't had any of the numerous photos printed and put into frames. I usually write this blog one-handed, while nursing one of the babies, often in the wee hours of the morning.

I know I will regret this later, especially when telling the boys stories of their babyhood. Thank goodness S is great at saving the photos to the hard drive with descriptive labels, otherwise we would be completely lost.

Today Pin actually saw the rattle I was shaking at him, saw it and smiled and cooed and tracked it with his eyes. I put it in his hand and he gripped it and shook it for a while. I'm pretty sure he had no idea he was doing it, but he certainly liked the noise it was making. I ran around the house looking for the video camera but it's buried in a pile of something, somewhere. I'm sure he'll do it again, but the first time is always so magical and surprising. I tried it with Duckling a while later, and he also smiled and tracked it with his eyes.

At nine weeks of age, the boys can:
  • Coo
  • Smile
  • Follow us with their eyes
  • See bright colours and follow them with their eyes
  • React to rattle noises
  • Drool (mostly Duckling, who is nicknamed Bubbles)
  • Sleep 3 to 5 hours at a time, sometimes (well, once) more
  • Sort of hold their heads up
  • Throw their feet straight up in the air and fart, even when asleep
  • Make sucky noises and breathe excitedly when they see my breast or a bottle
  • Poo only once or twice a day, instead of 6 or 7 times a day, although these poos are now so voluminous that they fill the diaper, leak, and sometimes go halfway up the back
  • React when the other is crying, even though they ignore each other completely for the most part
  • Cry vociferously and with intent (Pin's nickname is Loudy for this reason)
  • Put themselves all the way to sleep if I lay them down half asleep
  • Put themselves back to sleep if they wake up at night and aren't hungry and are swaddled
Who said babies are boring.

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