Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Duckling and Pin

We chose somewhat unusual names for our boys. We wanted something meaningful to us and our families, to give the boys a sense of heritage, and to avoid the 'top 100 most common names of 2010'. It was actually very easy to compile a list of possibilities; much more difficult to actually choose. Luckily we were in agreement and there wasn't too much discussion or swearing.

Although traditional Irish names, they are not as well known in Canada. This gave our maternity nurses a little trouble, especially the Asian nurses with English as a second language. The mispronunciations were varied and hilarious, and Duckling and Pin was the closest some of them got to their actual names.

As one nurse explained, the more common names are much easier to pronounce. Good luck with that, little Prances and Pill, where ever you are.

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