Friday, April 30, 2010

Good thing they're not identical

It took me about two weeks to be able to easily tell the boys apart. For the first two or three days I needed to look at their hospital bracelets, and the days after that I was ok because Duckling was jaundiced and helpfully yellow in colour, but once he faded it was difficult again. Now I can look at photos of when they were first born and easily tell them apart because they actually look completely different, but during the first two weeks of pain, exhaustion and shock, it was very hard. S could tell them apart right after they were born, and now can tell me who is crying on the monitor. I still need to look at them, unless Duckling is making his little goat noise or Pin is doing his super-pissed bellow.

Two nights ago, I was awakened at 4 am by a baby crying and kicking me in the back. This is surprisingly effective; you can doze through a bit of crying, but kicking? When they both get going it's like trying to nap in a hailstorm. It was Duckling. I fed him and changed him, noting with mild interest that his poop looked more like something Pin would produce (yes, they poop different). I put him back in his swaddle and soothed him back to sleep, and then woke Pin for his feeding. (I tend to wake them at that time of the day, so that I can go back to sleep knowing the other won't wake up in 15 min.)

While feeding Pin, I looked closely and realized that I was in fact feeding Duckling. I was so tired that I first thought I had fed the same baby twice, and it took me a few minutes to realize that I had actually fed Pin first, not Duckling. So yes, I had recognized Pin's poop, even though I thought it came from Duckling. Fraternal twins poop fraternal poops.

Who knew.

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