Saturday, June 26, 2010

Things to remember: 17 weeks

I can't believe my darling little boys are four months old now, it's gone by so quickly. They have changed so much. I put them in their Bumbos and Exersaucers now, but they are still too small and don't sit up too well. They both hate tummy time, and both like their baths. They sleep in separate cribs now, because they both pivot in their sleep and one of them always ends up mashed into the crib rails by the other. They have stopped sleeping through the night since they sleep separately, so I think they must miss each other a little. They can still see each other though.


  • Can roll from his back to to his front. He gets stuck and starts crying, so I put him on his back and he does it again
  • Sleeps on his side
  • Is growing hair back on the top of his head, and it is coarser than I expected. It's a combination of blond and light brown
  • Loves his giraffe blankie
  • Really likes to breastfeed, and only has a few ounces of formula after
  • Hard to bottle feed, takes lots of breaks and looks around
  • Likes to lie under trees and watch the leaves move
  • Is reserved around people he doesn't know
  • Has lovely fat legs
  • Watches me a lot
  • Likes to look at a bee decal on the wall beside the change table
  • Takes him awhile to settle down to sleep, likes to look at his Winnie-the-Pooh mobile
  • Can pick things up and deliberately put them in his mouth. Tried to eat an envelope the other day.


  • Rolled once about two weeks ago, but not since
  • Has a big belly laugh
  • Likes strangers who talk to him, smiles and laughs
  • Doesn't like breastfeeding much, eats a little then enjoys the bottle of formula
  • In love with the television, gazes at it in rapture. I don't turn it on anymore because I don't want him to turn into a math-hating zombie :-)
  • Screams at bedtime, then quickly falls asleep
  • Has lovely fat thighs
  • Has just started turning onto his side
  • Has what looks like a tooth coming through on the bottom; a little white spot is visible
  • Loves his giraffe blankie
  • Talks to us, adorable little noises
  • Very little hair on the top of his head
  • Has a freckle on his left ankle

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