Monday, August 30, 2010

Six months: Things to remember

Six months have gone by in a whirl of activity. It's been a crazy ride, and everytime I think things are settling down into some kind of routine something changes, and we are back to not knowing what the hell is going on!

The boys have grown so much and have learned to do so many things, it's amazing that only six months ago they were blurry little blobs. We have started baby-led weaning, and so far the boys have had broccoli, sweet potato, carrots, apple, green beans and red pepper. Ducking tried some banana but didn't like it at all. They both like everything else, and it's so sweet to see them gumming away on a piece of a vegetable. They tried sippy cups of water today with little success. They'll get it though, they are watching us carefully when we eat and drink, so it won't be long.

They finally, last week, NOTICED each other! They smile and laugh at each other, and Duckling is always very interested in Pin when he is crying in his crib. He twists his head around to look at him, but he doesn't get upset, just curious. They were egging each other on today in the exersaucers, bouncing up and down and laughing at each other. Duckling tries to poke Pin in the head when they are in the same crib, seems to go for the eyes.

We took them for a series of swimming classes, and by the eighth class were kicking their legs in the water and looking as if they enjoyed themselves. S dunks them both right under, but I'm too chicken. They don't seem to mind it too much, but are a little startled. We'll take them again in September.

Both boys will turn their blankies or toys around until they can get at the tag, and happily suck on the tag. They also suck on toy puppy and bear ears, and Sophie the giraffe's feet.


  • Can roll over from his back to his front, but once he is there he can't roll back. Well, he can, but only if he is sleeping. Awake, he yells until he is put onto his back, whereupon he immediately flips back onto his stomach. His tolerance for being on his stomach has grown, and he will sometimes stay there for 10 minutes, playing, until he has had enough.
  • Has stopped sleeping well through the night. He used to wake up around 4, have a snack and go back to sleep, but now he fights being put to bed, and fights naps, and generally hollers and fusses when it's time for sleep. He will sometimes have extra milk at this point, which helps him to settle, but sometimes he needs to go in his bouncy chair, where he will settle, sometimes. Otherwise it's justs cuddle cuddle (still yelling during the cuddling) but at least he knows he isn't by himself. He wakes up two or three times at night, just like when he was a baby (smirk).
  • Seems to be teething. He drools and gnaws on things, and wants to bite my fingers nonstop. His gums don't seem red, or swollen, but the drooling and biting and cranky bedtime behaviour point to teething.
  • Loves being in the exersaucer and jolly jumper. Jumps up and down like a mad thing, with a very serious look on his face. He can play with all the exersaucer gadgets, and turn himself around depending on which toy he wants to play with.
  • Can put both his feet in his mouth, and chew on his toes. Has done this for about three weeks.
  • Reaches for toys, and uses both hands to play with them.
  • Reaches down into his diaper with his hand while being changed.
  • Just started splashing in the bath with his legs. He hasn't splashed his hands yet.
  • Is fascinated with running water.
  • Stopped breastfeeding as of last night. He's been slowing down, but still nursing at night, but last night refused. Likes his formula to be my skin temperature or warmer, or he won't drink it.


  • Can roll from his front to back and back to front, in either direction. He didn't start rolling at all until a few weeks after Duckling, but certainly figured it out in record time. He has even rolled twice in a row, but I think that was more momentum than planning.
  • Has two lower teeth, as of today. He didn't make much fuss about it, and it was only by chance that I noticed them. Didn't seem to bother him, although perhaps last night's screaming episode was caused by them coming through.
  • Sleeps through the night (last night was an aberration, I hope), and has done so for several weeks. He sleeps through all of Duckling's shenanigans.
  • Goes down for a nap easily, and wakes up calmly and plays in his crib for awhile until he feels like letting us know he is awake.
  • Sometimes cries at night when S tries to feed him or change him, and won't calm down until I take him. I have a silly little song I sing that calms him down (the lyrics are 'sweet potato baby, sweet potato baby') and then he'll eat and go to sleep fairly easily. Funny. Actually, Duckling will fuss for S as well sometimes and calm down when I take him. They love their mama right now for sure.
  • Loves being in the exersaucer and jolly jumper, but is more of a smiler and dangler than actual jumper. He has just started playing with the exersaucer gadgets, but for awhile would just stand in it and smile, and watch me or Duckling and laugh at us.
  • Is starting to notice the cats. He got hold of TC the other day and really dug his hands into her fur, and had the funniest look of surprise on his face.
  • Likes his formula to be my skin temperature or cooler; doesn't like it too warm.
  • Grabs toys with both hands, everything goes in his mouth.
  • Hasn't yet started splashing in the bath, but enjoys the warm water.
  • Spits up constantly. He always has dried formula stains on his clothes.